About The Brånemark Center
In 1982, Prof Patrick Henry started the first collaborative work with Prof Per Ingvar Brånemark studying a unique concept for bone anchored tooth replacement. This would later be known as “Osseointegration”. Since this time, The Brånemark Center has continued to add to this legacy of meaningful clinical research and has published widely in international peer reviewed journals.
The Brånemark Center was the first osseointegration training centre in the southern hemisphere and has become an important centre nationally and internationally for the training of general and specialist practitioners in the entire spectrum of implant-based rehabilitation.
After much planning and collaboration, we moved into our new premises in January 2018. This has allowed us to continue offering both the surgical and prosthetic aspects of implant dentistry and advanced oral rehabilitation.
We are proud to continue this legacy by providing general dentists and specialist practitioners, courses to educate them in the complexity of both the surgical placement and restoration of implants in the aesthetic zone.
Offering the longest running Surgical Implant course in Australia.

AO Tribute to Professor Per-Ingvar Branemark

Clin A/Prof Glen Liddelow
Clin A/Prof Glen Liddelow is a Specialist Prosthodontist and a Director of The Brånemark Center. He completed a Bachelor of Dental Science and a Master of Dental Science from the University of Western Australia and a Doctorate in Clinical Dentistry (Prosthodontics) from the University of Sydney.

Dr. Graham Carmichael
BSc (UWA) BDSc Hons (UWA) DClinDent Pros (USyd) FRACDS MRACDS Pros FICD
Dr Graham Carmichael is a Specialist Prosthodontist and a Director of The Brånemark Center in West Perth. He graduated from the University of Western Australia School of Dentistry with Honours in 2003 and from the University of Sydney with a Doctorate in Clinical Dentistry in Prosthodontics.
BDSc (WA), DClinDent Pros (Syd), MRACDS (Pros), FRACDS
Dr Joshua Graieg graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Western Australia. He has worked as a General Dentist for 15 years before completing his specialist training, a Doctorate in Clinical Dentistry (Prosthodontics) at the University of Sydney.
Dr Alessandra Liddelow graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Western Australia. She received the Kenneth JG Sutherland award for preventative and public health dentistry.
BDSc (WA), MSD(Indiana), DDSchc(WA), FRACDS
Prof Patrick Henry graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Dental Science with first class honours from the University of Western Australia in 1961. He was awarded the Hackett Studentship of UWA. He then went to the United States and successfully completed his MSD at the University of Indiana from 1962-63. From 1965-66, he was the Post Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Chicago.
Patrick was awarded his specialist prosthodontic degree from the University of Indiana in 1967 and with it began an illustrious career spanning the next five decades..
Core Dental Ceramic & PM Prosthetics
We work closely with Core Dental Ceramics, widely considered to be one of the finest dental laboratories in Australia. They provide an extensive range of services to our clinic including all ceramic options, computerised design, CAD CAM milling and printing and conventional prosthetics for all indications. They are located in The Brånemark Center building and will personally consult with all patients regarding their dental reconstruction. Usually this will involve multiple photos and occasional videos depending on the complexity. A sophisticated digital mock-up and shade matching program is employed to achieve the most lifelike and realistic result possible. Trial appointments are always scheduled prior to finalising the treatment to detail the ceramics and ensure that everyone is proud of the final outcome.